
Tracking and Evaluation Core

The Tracking and Evaluation Core uses a participatory evaluation model to track, evaluate, and report the outcomes and impacts of Advance-CTR's initiatives. 

The Tracking and Evaluation Core evaluates outcomes and impacts of Advance-CTR's awards, services, and trainings by examining 1) the extent to which these initiatives reduce barriers among partner institutions and 2) improvement in innovations in health practice that align with the state and community health priorities. 

Core Leadership

  • Judy Kimberly

    Judy Kimberly, PhD

    Co-Lead, Advance RI-CTR Tracking & Evaluation Core, Evaluation Director, Brown University
  • Stephen Kogut

    Stephen Kogut, PhD, MBA

    Lead, Advance RI-CTR Tracking & Evaluation Core, Professor of Pharmacy Practice, University of Rhode Island

Specific Aims

  1. Track Core goal achievement. 

  2. Evaluate transformation of the research environment. 

  3. Determine program impacts on Rhode Island's health priorities.

  4. Develop and disseminate innovative CTR evaluation methods to enhance program effectiveness and efficiency. 

Publications and Presentations by the Tracking and Evaluation Core

Conference Presentations and Posters

  • Stevenson JF, Kogut S, Hayward A, Fede J, Kimberly J, Tenca M (2022, November). Distilling Developmental Challenges from a Meta-evaluation. Multi-paper presentation at the American Evaluation Association Annual Meeting. New Orleans, LA.
  • Kimberly J, Fede J, Tenca M, Kogut S, Hayward A, Stevenson JF (2022, November). A Longitudinal Examination of Researcher Needs from a Center for Clinical and Translational Research. Poster presentation at the American Evaluation Association Annual Meeting. New Orleans, LA.
  • Stevenson JF, Kogut S, Hayward A,  Fede J, Kimberly J, Tenca M (2022, May). Advancing Rhode Island’s IDeA-CTR internal evaluation. Paper presented as part of a webinar sponsored by the American Evaluation Association.
  • Kimberly J, Fede J, Stevenson JF, Kogut S, Hayward A, Stranieri G, Padbury J (2021, March). Evaluating Systemic Change at a Center for Clinical and Translational Research. Paper presentation at the American Evaluation Association Meeting, Translational Research and Evaluation Topical Interest Group meeting (virtual).
  • Fede J, Kogut S, Hayward A, Stevenson JF, Nunn A, Plaut J, Kimberly J (2021, March). Applying Community Health Priorities to the Translational Research Agenda. Abstract in the Journal of Clinical and Translational Science, 2021; 5(S1), 68-69. Presented at the ACTS Translational Science Conference, Washington, DC. 
  • Kimberly J, Stevenson JF, Fede J, Kogut S, Hayward A (2021, March). Evaluation’s light as a lever for systems change. Paper presented as part of a webinar sponsored by the American Evaluation Association.
  • Fede J, Stevenson JF, Kimberly J, Kogut S, Hayward, A (2020, October). Ascertaining Health Priorities: A Case Study from Rhode Island.  Presentation at the American Evaluation Association Annual Meeting. (virtual). 
  • Kogut S, Fede J, Hayward A, Stevenson JF (2019, March). Group Concept Mapping of Stakeholder’s Ideas to Increase the Quantity and Quality of Clinical and Translational Research in Rhode Island . Abstract in the Journal of Clinical and Translational Science. 2019;3(s1):144-145. Presented at the ACTS Translational Science Conference, Washington, DC. 
  • Fede J, Greene A, Kimberly J, Hayward A, Kogut S, Stevenson JF (2019, November). Group concept mapping for community engagement. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the American Evaluation Association, Minneapolis, MN.
  • Fede J, Hayward A, Kogut S, Stevenson JF, Willey C (2018, October) Group Concept Mapping to Give Stakeholders a Voice in Project Decision-Making.  Presented at the American Evaluation Association Annual Conference. Cleveland OH. 
  • Stevenson JF, Willey C, Hayward A, Kogut S (2017, November). Using a project-wide kick-off retreat to enhance evaluation via stakeholder participation. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the American Evaluation Association, Washington, DC.