
About Us

Advance RI-CTR is a statewide hub of research resources and services for clinical and translational investigators in Rhode Island.

We are funded by an Institutional Development Award Networks for Clinical and Translational Research (IDeA-CTR) from the National Institute of General Medical Sciences (U54GM115677) for the state of Rhode Island.

Our Mission

Specific Aims:

  1. To support the enhancement of infrastructure and human resources required to address clinical and translational research needs in Rhode Island.
  2. To strengthen clinical and translational research that addresses the broad spectrum of health challenges faced by populations in Rhode Island.
  3. To foster and coordinate collaboration in clinical and translational research across our partner institutions in Rhode Island and with other institutions in the IDeA-CTR network.

At a Glance

We're working to change what research looks like in our state. Since launching Advance RI-CTR in 2016, we've made significant progress toward fueling collaborations, funding high-impact, community-driven projects, and helping junior investigators get the support they need to launch independent research careers.


Service Consultations

In Biostatistics, Biomedical Informatics, Research Design, and Qualitative Methods


Unique Investigators

From Brown, URI, and the affiliated hospitals


Extramural Awards

As a result of consultations with our Service Cores


Awarded Investigators

From Brown, URI, and the affiliated hospitals


Projects Launched

For research that spans the translational spectrum


Extramural Awards

As a result of funding and support from Advance RI-CTR

Support for RI Investigators

We offer two award programs, complimentary research services in three focus areas, and a variety of professional development resources to Rhode Island investigators.

Award and Service Cores

Explore the opportunities this Core offers to enhance the translational research workforce in Rhode Island.
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