Qualitative Research Resources
Qualitative Research Resources
Qualitative Research Resources
Interested in learning more about qualitative research, NVivo, and other resources for qualitative methods? You've come to the right place. Advance RI-CTR offers quarterly training in NVivo and you can learn more about the software on your own right now! Explore below to get started.
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Webinars for Early Learners of Qual Research
Theory and Practice of Transparent Qualitative Health Research
- Transparent research provides better outcomes for individual researchers, scientific communities, and society. Principles of transparency are also being written into funding requirements and journal policies. This webinar introduces general concepts of research transparency and how they relate to qualitative work, including data sharing, data ethics and data management. The design and application of a qualitative “transparency checklist” was discussed. This check list is designed to assist researchers in developing transparency related materials and in determining which materials are appropriate to share internally only and which would need to be share externally for those to understand the project. Additionally, considerations around confidentiality and informed consent regarding sharing deidentified data is discussed.
Emergent Analysis: Strategies for Making Sense of an Evolving Longitudinal Study
- Qualitative researchers typically need to refine their research questions as their understanding of the topic under investigation changes. This sometimes results in initially created codes no longer being applicable. In this webinar, analytical decisions and memoing strategies are presented. These included 3 stages: 1) Refined Research Questions, Analytical Domains, Research SubQuestions; 2) Analyzed Each Analytical Domain Systematically by determining which codes to pull for each analytical domain and defined theoretically salient themes through recording ad 3) Write Memos for Each Analytical Dimension that used themes to formulate claims for the memo and then revise memos as a team.
Coding the Real World: What is real world evidence in health and why is NVivo critical
- Qualitative research is important in understanding the impact of disease and new health interventions in today’s world. NVivo can help with the rigor needed to help sift through the qualitative data. This webinar shares 1) background on the range of real-world evidence/research (e.g. Epidemiology, Diagnosis, Patient outcomes, etc.); 2) the growing importance of qualitative inquiry and methodology (i.e. the voice of the patient in clinical trial design), 3) the unique role of coding in generating the evidence that matters and 4) why NVivo brings the needed rigor in data analysis.
Getting Started with Qualitative-focused Mixed Methods Research
- There are many opportunities today for qualitative mixed methods research. Emerging designs are forming due to technological advances in collecting data, such as text mining and social media. This webinar reviews four essential things to know and do when getting started with qualitative mixed methods research: Why, what, who and how. (1) Why is integration of qualitative with quantitative research needed for your study? (2) What will your qualitative-focused mixed methods research design look like? (3) Who will your qualitative-focused mixed methods research study involve? (4) How will you represent the required evidence of integration? Relevant literally and illustrative examples are presented.
Creative Ways to Visualize Qualitative Data
- Qualitative data offers rich opportunity for data storytelling. Despite this, qualitative data is often neglected in regarding data visualization. This webinar focuses on why visualizing qualitative data is important and what is special about it. Presenters review how to create qualitative data visualization, the process of evaluating the visualizations and discussed the circumstances that make different data visualization methods effective.
Publish and Persevere: Writing and Representing Qualitative Research
- Publishing is crucial to becoming a successful scholar. This webinar focuses on tips for writing and publishing qualitative and promoting research. Topics discussed include how to create an impactful title, abstract, and opening paragraph. The importance of matching a journal with your manuscript content are discussed as well as tips to make sure your manuscript complies with estimate lengths of manuscript sections. Finally, strategies in harnessing motivation, time and focus when writing your manuscript, and ideas for forwarding research findings are discussed.
Introduction to Thematic Analysis
- An introduction to thematic analysis in provided, with a focus on a reflexive thematic analysis as a technique for analyzing qualitative data. This webinar highlights some of the key characteristics and strengths of thematic analysis and provide an overview of key phases in the analytic process. Reflexive thematic analysis is interested in the story at the center of analysis. In reflective thematic analysis, research subjectivity is valued, coding is open and organic, and the themes are the analytic ‘output.’