
Advance RI-CTR Community Engagement Studios

As part of the services available to Rhode Island researchers through its Community Engagement and Outreach Core, Advance RI-CTR offers Community Engagement Studios.

About Community Engagement Studios

The Advance RI-CTR Community Engagement Studios (Studios) facilitate a culturally appropriate, respectful conversation between a panel of community experts (e.g., people for the population that a researcher aims to serve or other stakeholders) and a research team planning, implementing, and/or disseminating information about a planned or in progress study. The overall goal of the Studios is to facilitate the collaborative engagement of community experts and researchers to gather information that is meaningful to all stakeholders.  

  • Community input on the research process helps to ensure that communities benefit from research efforts.
  • Studios consist of an up to 2-hour facilitated community conversation between a researcher and community experts.
  • Results from Studios are used to help develop research questions, protocols, and processes.
  •  The conversation is facilitated by the Investigator with support from a trained facilitator as needed.
  • Studios are NOT focus groups or considered research, as such, IRB approval is not needed to conduct a Studio.
  • The Investigator provides an overview of the Studio process and ground rules for discussion.
  • Studios can be beneficial at ANY point in the research process to gain a better understanding of community priorities or cultural norms, conceptualize a program or intervention, or obtain community feedback on research processes, surveys, tools or findings.
  • The Investigator then gives a 10-15-minute presentation in laymen’s terms providing background information about the research and
    the components they want feedback on.
  • Following the presentation, the Investigator poses questions and moderates a discussion.
  • Studios can be implemented in-person or virtual with a diverse range of community experts.
  • A notetaker takes detailed notes throughout the Studio.
  • Following the Studio, the Investigator is required to follow-up with the community panel to inform them of how their insights and feedback were incorporated into the research.


“ My experience with Advance RI-CTR's Community Engagement Studios was incredibly rewarding. The studio provided a unique opportunity to connect with my community and gather valuable feedback, which made my study not only more feasible but also more impactful. ”

Julia Shinnick MD

5 star participant satisfaction rating100% PI recommendation rate

Advance RI-CTR is only able to coordinate and fund a limited number of Studios per year. Current and recently funded Advance RI-CTR investigators and Community Advisory and Action Board (CAAB) members are prioritized for available Studio slots. Eligible investigators, CAAB members, and PI’s in the CEPBRN can apply for a Studio on our Website. Advance RI-CTR also offers consultations to eligible investigators, CAAB members, and PI’s in the CEPBRN and who seek guidance on how to conduct a Studio session independently.