
Core Offerings

We designed our award, service, and professional development cores to meet the needs of Rhode Island's diverse investigator community.

Award Cores

The Pilot Projects Program brings investigators together from institutions across the state to develop interdisciplinary collaborations that span the translational research spectrum.
The Professional Development Core equips early-career health researchers in Rhode Island with the resources and training they need to build competitive research programs that improve population health in our state.

Service Cores

The Biomedical Informatics, Bioinformatics, and Cyberinfrastructure Enhancement Core works to transform Rhode Island's research capacity for big data health research by enabling access to electronic health data through secure, inter-institutional infrastructure.

Administrative Cores

Advance RI-CTR is supported by an Administrative Core and a Tracking and Evaluation Core.

The Administrative Core provides the organizational structure, leadership, governance, and advisory support to maintain and enhance Advance RI-CTR's Core activities in support of clinical and translational research. The Tracking and Evaluation Core tracks the progress of each Core toward their aims and evaluates the progress of the Advance RI-CTR program in fueling community-driven health research and professional development in both early-career and established investigators.