
Community Engagement and Outreach (CEO)

Community Engagement and Outreach services are available to RI investigators conducting clinical and translational research. Services include study design, grant proposal review and community engagement best practices.

Pre-Submission Services

  • Study Design and Preparation Support: A team of experienced community engaged researchers and methodological experts are on-hand to help investigators in the pre-award stages, and with initial planning upon receipt of funding. Consultations may also be arranged to develop detailed study protocols.
  • Manuscript Review: Investigators can be provided guidance and assistance during the final stages of manuscript writing
  • Grant Proposal Review: Review and provide feedback on grant proposals for new investigators

Training Opportunities

  • Community Engagement Studios Facilitation: Help facilitate community engagement studios for new investigators.
  • Community Engagement Training: Training on appropriate ways to collaborate with community organizations and community members
  • Experiential learning opportunities creation: Help you create experiential learning opportunities for your staff and mentees
  • Formative Research Consultations: Provide technical assistance for starting community conversations about your study and dissemination of results.
  • Vulnerable Populations Best Practices: Provide technical assistance on best practices for engaging vulnerable populations in research studies

Service Requests

All support services are subject to a triage/prioritization procedure. Details of the procedure are provided here. In order to best serve the Advance RI-CTR research community, and to properly allocate resources, we strongly encourage investigators to contact us in the early stages of their research project planning.

We require contacting us at least two weeks in advance for brief consultations, and one month in advance for support requiring a significant time investment, including external grant development. Service is provided on a first-come-first-serve, time-available basis with respect to Advance RI-CTR’s strategic priorities.

To request Core services, you must complete the online service request form.

Request Service NowRequest a Studio

Upon our receipt of the Service Request, you will be contacted by a member of the Advance RI-CTR team to schedule an initial consultation to assess the scope and nature of the requested support. All decisions concerning the allocation of Advance RI-CTR CEO Core resources and project assignments are made on a case by case basis by the Core Directors in conjunction with the Core Steering Committee.

Person Centered & Inclusive Language

Using person-centered and inclusive language focuses on recognizing a person as a whole rather than defining them by a specific behavior, trait, or health condition. It is critical to use person-centered language in formal and informal communications with colleagues, community partners, research participants, policymakers, the media, and the broader public at all stages of the research process. Advance RI-CTR's CEO Core has put together a handy guide to person centered & inclusive language in research.

View the Best Practices for Person-Centered & Inclusive Language in Research Guide

Explore the Advance RI-CTR Community Engagement Studios (Studios)

The overall goal of Studios is to support research efforts between researchers, clinics, clinicians, and community partners that is collaborative and meaningful to all stakeholders.

Explore the Community Engaged Practice Based Research Network (PBRN)

The mission of Advance RI-CTR’s PBRN is to support research efforts between researchers, clinics, clinicians, and community partners that is collaborative and meaningful to all stakeholders.