Take a look at the feedback we have received from our Studios and the meaningful information that we've received from both the PIs and the community members we have worked with. (See Printable Version)

As part of the services available to Rhode Island researchers through its Community Engagement and Outreach Core, Advance RI-CTR offers Community Engagement Studios.
As part of the services available to Rhode Island researchers through its Community Engagement and Outreach Core, Advance RI-CTR offers Community Engagement Studios.
Take a look at the feedback we have received from our Studios and the meaningful information that we've received from both the PIs and the community members we have worked with. (See Printable Version)
“ The Advance RI-CTR team was incredibly helpful in setting up a studio for us. They provided great advice and support. The community members who participated in the studio all had a lot to say about the chosen topic, and ultimately their feedback will be important for shaping a grant application to PCORI. ”