Michelle Wilson
Michelle Wilson has over 30 years professional experience in the public, private, and not-for-profit sectors building systems that center community, health justice, innovation, and equitable practices. Currently Michelle serves as the Chief of the Health Equity Institute (HEI) at the Rhode Island Department of Health where she leads several cross-cutting initiatives at the intersection of race, policy, and the social determinants of health.
Within the HEI, Michelle’s work includes overseeing programming within the Office of Minority Health and State Refugee Health Program; ensuring compliance with Culturally and Linguistically Appropriate Services Standards and the American with Disabilities Act; and providing capacity-building supports within RIDOH and across state agencies on frameworks intended to advance health equity. Michelle also serves as a mentor with Brown University’s School of Public Health Equity Scholars Program.
Michelle is a graduate of Howard University in Washington, DC where she received a bachelor’s degree in business administration. She is the proud mother of two young men with interests in professional careers in service to humanity. In her spare time, Michelle likes to explore different cultures by way of travel and ethnic cooking and has found a new passion for paint-by-numbers.