
Community Engagement & Outreach Core

The CEO Core helps facilitate research endeavors that are relevant, accessible, and impactful to the entire state of Rhode Island. 

Created in Phase II of Advance RI-CTR, this Core is built around a philosophy and culture of partnership and reciprocity. Community stakeholders participate in dissemination of study results, including publication and dissemination of study findings to the general public and the communities who stand to benefit from knowledge production. This culture and the Core's commitment to community participation at every stage of the research process will help ensure that the CEO Core's activities are relevant to populations who experience health disparities and to the Rhode Island community at large.

Core Leadership

  • Dr. Joseph Diaz

    Joseph Anthony Diaz, MD

    Deputy Director, Advance RI-CTR Practice Based Research Network (PBRN), Associate Dean for Diversity and Multicultural Affairs, Associate Professor of Medicine, Associate Professor of Medical Science Overview, Warren Alpert Medical School of Brown University
  • Dr. Jackie Hughto

    Jaclyn Hughto, PhD

    Co-Lead, Advance RI-CTR Community Engagement & Outreach Core, Associate Professor of Epidemiology, Associate Professor of Behavioral and Social Sciences, Brown University School of Public Health
  • Dr. Alison Tovar

    Alison Tovar, PhD

    Co-Lead, Advance RI-CTR Community Engagement & Outreach Core, Associate Professor of Behavioral and Social Sciences, Brown University School of Public Health

Specific Aims

  1. To elevate the health needs and participation of communities and patients in all research activities. We will develop a community advisory and action board (CAAB) that, together with CEO leadership, will identify priority health and research needs for the state of Rhode Island. We will define a shared mission and research agenda that responds to community health needs.
  2. To integrate community engagement and a culture of reciprocity into all aspects of Advance RI-CTR. Each core will integrate community engagement into its curricular, professional development and research activities.
  3. Infuse community engagement into a Practice-based Research Network (PBRN). We will expand the Southeastern New England Primary Care Practice-based research network (PBRN) by including patient and community advisory members as part of the research teams and by enlarging the PBRN scope to include other practices and health providers. 

Explore the Community Engaged Practice Based Research Network (CEPBRN)

The mission of Advance RI-CTR’s CEPBRN is to support research efforts between researchers, clinics, clinicians, and community partners that is collaborative and meaningful to all stakeholders.

Explore the Community Advisory Action Board (CAAB)

The Advance RI-CTR CAAB is a governance board that reflects Rhode Island’s diverse community.

Explore the Advance RI-CTR Community Engagement Studios (Studios)

The overall goal of Studios is to support research efforts between researchers, clinics, clinicians, and community partners that is collaborative and meaningful to all stakeholders.