In collaboration with all of Rhode Island's IDeA funded programs, Advance RI-CTR welcomes investigators, research staff, stakeholders and community members to attend the 2025 Emerging Areas of Science Rhode Island IDeA Symposium on June 17th!
Brown’s IDeA Symposium on the Health Effects of Environmental Change reveals climate change issues have an unrelenting impact on our health and broad implications for the medical community.
Learn to use the powerful statistical capabilities of R which enable complex analysis and visualization of medical data with Advance RI-CTR’s training in the R programming language. This virtual course will be held asynchronously from the week of January 27th, 2025 through the week of May 12th, 2025.
In collaboration with all of Rhode Island's IDeA funded programs, Advance RI-CTR welcomes investigators, research staff, stakeholders and community members to attend the 2024 Emerging Areas of Science Rhode Island IDeA Symposium on October 24th, both in person and virtually!
Engage with the Community through Advance RI-CTR's Community Engagement Studios. As part of the services available to Rhode Island researchers through its Community Engagement and Outreach Core, Advance RI-CTR now offers Community Engagement Studios.
July 15, 2024: Call for applications for the 2024 Advance-K Scholar Career Development Program from Advance RI-CTR and the Division of Biology and Medicine at Brown University. Apply and learn what it takes to win an NIH K award and jumpstart your research career.
Over 1200 people attended the National Symposium of Biomedical Research Excellence (NISBRE) in Washington, DC last week, and Rhode Island investigators were there in force. Some highlights.
Advance RI-CTR's Community Engagement and Outreach (CEO) Core seeks to build a network of Rhode Island-based Community-Engaged Researchers with interest in collaborating on grants and other community-engaged efforts.
Advance RI-CTR is thrilled to announce that a very special new instrument will soon take up residence at the Genomics Research Core Facility at 70 Ship Street.
This series features outstanding science from expert investigators alternating with Advance RI-CTR Pilot Projects awardees sharing their early research. Seminars are held virtually on the second Thursday of each month.
Rhode Island Hospital and Advance Rhode Island-Clinical and Translational Research, from The Warren Alpert Medical School of Brown University, join national clinical trials resource center spearheaded by West Virginia Clinical and Translational Science Institute (WVCTSI)
Be sure to save the date (Thursday, February 29th and Friday, March 1st, 2024) for a Proposal Development Workshop for Federal Funding Targets (NIH, NSF & More)
Providence, RI – Advance Rhode Island Clinical and Translational Research (Advance RI-CTR) is pleased to share that Judy Kimberly, Evaluation Director at Brown University, is stepping up to the role of Co-Lead of our Tracking and Evaluation (T&E) Core.
Providence, RI – Advance Rhode Island Clinical and Translational Research (Advance RI-CTR), a pioneering force in clinical and translational research in Rhode Island, is delighted to welcome two distinguished leaders as Co-Leads of its Professional Development (PD) Core.
This series features outstanding science from expert investigators alternating with Advance RI-CTR Pilot Projects awardees sharing their early research. Seminars are held virtually on the second Thursday of each month.
This series features outstanding science from expert investigators alternating with Advance RI-CTR Pilot Projects awardees sharing their early research. Seminars are held virtually on the second Thursday of each month.
Providence, RI – Advance Rhode Island Clinical and Translational Research (Advance RI-CTR) is pleased to announce that two distinguished researchers will play a pivotal role in advancing the program’s commitment to community-based research and engagement.
This series features outstanding science from expert investigators alternating with Advance RI-CTR Pilot Projects awardees sharing their early research. Seminars are held virtually on the second Thursday of each month.
We're excited to announce the second RFA for the Advance-R Program. We are now accepting applications for an internal study section opportunity for those looking to submit applications for their first R Award (or similar awards). Scholars will also attend didactic sessions on topics related to R-award preparation. This program is open to those submitting for the first time, and those resubmitting applications for funding.
Advance RI-CTR is very pleased to announce that experienced healthcare leader Anya Rader Wallack, PhD, has joined our leadership team as Administrative Director.
The call for applications is now open for the 2023 Advance-K Scholar Career Development Program from Advance-CTR and the Division of Biology and Medicine at Brown University. Learn what it takes to win an NIH K award and jumpstart your research career.
The Advance-CTR Distinguished Clinical and Translational Research Seminar Series showcases clinical and translational research from across Rhode Island. This series features outstanding science from expert investigators across the translational spectrum. Seminars are held virtually on the second Thursday of each month.
Amy Stamates, PhD, has been awarded a 5-year K01 Mentored Research Scientist Development Award from the National Institute of Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism